LaptopA Model 100 to Macintosh File Transfer Utility |
First connect the M100 laptop to the Macintosh with the cable from the Mac's Modem port to the laptop's RS232 port. The cable is a Mac SE to ImageWriter I cable (not ImageWriter II).
Turn on both machines, and start the Laptop HyperCard stack on the Mac.
You will need Hypercard 2.0 or later, and System 6.0.5 or later.
To delete a file, highlight it on the main menu and type "-" (minus sign, without the quotes) and Return. The file should disappear.
To make all the hidden items (BASIC, TELCOM, etc.) come back, go to the main menu, and type "H" and press ENTER.
To connect with the Laptop stack, connect the 2 computers as above, and type D and press ENTER. The display on the Laptop should say Waiting...
Now all control is done on the Mac. Open the Laptop stack, and if the M100 is properly connected and running, the directory should appear in the left-hand box. To update it at any time, click on the M100 Directory button. You can select one by clicking or using the arrow keys. Multiple contiguous selections can be made by holding down the shiftkey and clicking, discontiguous selections are made by holding down the Command key while clicking on file names.
Command-A selects all files in the list.
Once you have made your selection you can upload or delete the selected files by clicking on the appropriate buttons. When you have finished, click on "Quit" and the Mac will quit the Laptop stack, and the laptop will return to the main menu. If you find the laptop still with the Waiting... display after the Laptop stack is no longer running, hold down the Shift key and press the Break/Pause button, located to the right of the function keys, followed by F8.
If this is your first session, you need to specify where uploaded files are to be stored. Click on the "Upload to:" box, and in the resulting dialog box, navigate to where you want to store the files, highlight a folder or disk name, and click on Select. Each session in which you upload one or more files, a folder will be created inside your designated folder or disk, named "Laptop Uploads" and the date of the session. At the end of each session a log file will be created and saved in the same place containing all the information in the log window. The files will have the same names as they did on the laptop.
Patrick BrintonReturn to: | Documents | Software |