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What I learned at Macromedia's UCON99

Notes from Other Sessions

The other really interesting session I attended was 'Advanced Dreamweaver', though I didn't see the whole session, during the last part they talked about how all the components of the application beyond a core program were built in JavaScript, GIF images and XML. It's quite an interesting program and they've done some _very_ innovative things with it. I especially liked the concept of having Dreamweaver's Preferences folder be set to a 'site' inside of Dreamweaver, there by being able to modify Dreamweaver's preferences, Commands, Actions and more, directly from inside Dreamweaver! Beautiful I tell you, just beautiful.

The only other session of note was a Generator session, one which I got a bunch of example sites, and one that showed how a guy used Freehand for designing comps and was then able to take those comps directly into Flash, saving hours of work recreating the comps in a final form. Here are example Flash/Generator examples:,,,,,,

Notes from UCON99

1) Introduction
2) Navigation and Information Design
3) Web Design Panel Notes
4) Other Notes