The key to working with anything that deals with the date or the time
when using an SSI is the timefmt string. I have included two
charts that list the commands that used in the string. One chart is in
Alphebetical order. Another one is sorted
by functional groupings.
What's a command string?
The timefmt command string tells Apache how to present the
current date and time. To do this, we use the command:
<!--#config timefmt = "command_string" -->
Where you see command_string is you will need
to put your string of commands. Let's play with one of the commands:
%A. This command tell Apache to present only the name of
the current day of the week. (Yes, the capitalization does matter!)
So now we have a command that we can put into our HTML page:
<!--#config timefmt = "%A" -->
Once you have your command string decided
on, it's a good idea to test it out to make sure it's dong what you want.
The easiest way to do this is add
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
after your config timefmt command. (If you don't
know what "DATE_LOCAL" means, check out the reference for
Environment Variables.)
How do we know it worked?
Now let's put together a sample page that will show us
what we've got so far:
<!--#config timefmt = "%A" -->
Today is <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
Once you've got this page set up on your server
correctly, you should
get a page that should say "Today is
Friday". That's a good start but we
should get some more details, don't you think?